Under the 'Edit' menu is menu item 'Preferences' which brings up a window displaying different settings for HTML Web Weaver.

- Change Colors allows you to edit the shades of colors used in HTML Web Weaver, this has no affect on how the document will be displayed with a WWW Browser.
- Select Preview Helper allows you to select your prefered WWW Browser for previewing your documents.
- Show Splash Screen at Startup will tell HTML Web Weaver to display the opening window with HTML Web Weaver's logo and copyright information.
- Auto-Carriage Returns tells HTML Web Weaver to insert a carriage return when you used the 'Horizontal Line', 'Line Break' or 'Paragraph' tags.
- Default font allows you to change the default font used in HTML Web Weaver when creating new documents.
- Default font size allows you to change the default font size used in HTML Web Weaver when creating new documents.
- Tag font allows you to change the default font tags will be displayed in.
- Tag font size allows you to change the default font size tags will be displayed in.
- Tag font style allows you to change the default font style tags will be displayed in.
- Tag color allows you to change the default color tags will be displayed in.
Note: None of these setting will change how your documents are viewed in a WWW Browser, just how they are handled in HTML Web Weaver.